Fine Reserved Section Provided--Reserve Seats at Young's Drug Store, Third and Main Sts.

   "Theatre goers will be delighted by the attractive changes they will find in the Bijou when that popular play house opens the season with a matinee Monday.
   The stage is transformed. It is now an artistic creation in white and gold, the design and color effects blending harmoniously with the new dressing with which the interior is provided. A nice new drop has been secured from the La Crosse Rubber Mills Co.
   One of the new features which will appeal most pleasantly to the popular mind is the establishment of several seats, the pattern being of the most comfortable type and the sections being defined by neat brass railings which lend a tone of finished beauty to the place.
   The great advantage of this feature rests in the ability of patrons to hereafter have their seats reserved, reservations being made at Young's drug store, corner of Third and Main streets. In the past some annoyance has resulted from the necessity for everybody to line up at the opening and take pot luck in the rush for seats. Under the present plan this is not only avoided for each day, but patrons can reserve their seats for any day in the future.
   The house opens with an excellent bill which Manager Coppelberger has selected with fine discrimination, the act of "Moneta 5," direct from the Chicago Majestic, being featured to start in a list of performances by the highest grade people."

- La Crosse Tribune, August 29, 1908, page 10

   "The top-lines for this week are the Moneta Five, singers and instrumentalists, in their latest lyric luxury, entitled "An Evening at Home." The act consists of solos, duets, trios and quartettes introducing violin, flute, piano, mandolin, harp-guitar and saxophone. The stage setting and arrangement of details exhales an atmosphere of cultured home refinement, while the harmonious blending of voices and instruments is of the highest artistic beauty and finish. They were received with the heartiest applause, and at the close were honored with three curtains and an encore. Music lovers should not miss this opportunity of hearing the best in music. Mr. Coppelberger is to be congratulated on his having secured this splendid attraction for the opening of his new season."

- La Crosse Tribune, September 1, 1908, page 3

At the Bijou

   "A pretty musical sketch entitled "An Evening at Home," is at the Bijou this week. The cast which presents this act consists of Wava Cummings, soprano; Irma Cummings, contralto; Lena Cummings, baritone; E. D. Wilber, violinist, and N. R. Boswell, basso. Together, this aggregation is designated as "The Moneta Five." The turn is made up of a number of musical selections, vocal solos, duets and quartets, as well as a violin solo, banjo duets and ensemble numbers. Miss Wava Cummings has a clear soprano voice of great range and sweetness, and she sings with much expression. Added to this is the fascination of the beautiful face and charming manner of the young singer. Miss Cummings is but 17 years old, but she is already in the prima donna class. Her sister, Miss Irma Cummings, is a handsome brunette, and her specialties are popular numbers. Mrs. Cummings is a fine looking woman of gracious presence and may well be taken as an older sister of her two fascinating daughters. Mr. Wilbur plays upon his little brown violin, making the mood of his hearers conform to that of the violin. Mr. Boswell has an excellent voice, which his numbers are well calculated to display. The stage setting for this number is that of a cosy living room. The costumes worn by the feminine members of the cast are masterpieces of the dressmaker's art, and form effective settings for the beauty of their wearers.
   NOTE - The Tribune was in error yesterday in its announcement that patrons of the Bijou seated in 15cent seats could avail themselves of the unoccupied reserved seats at the second evening performance. It should have read that: patrons holding reserved seat tickets for the first performance and arriving an act or two late and wishing to remain over the second performance would be obliged to take seats in the 15cent rows in order to make room for those holding tickets for their seats for the second show."

- La Crosse Tribune, September 2, 1908, page 3

   "Although the bill for the first half of the week at the Grand was somewhat changed from what it was originally announced, it did not apparently suffer any deterioration, for as a whole the performances Monday evening were equal in merit of those of last week. Herbert's educated dogs and cats take the place of La Belle Clark and her trained horse and furnish an interesting and entertaining exhibition of canine and feline intelligence. Moneta and Wilbur, in a musical and specialty act called "An Evening at Home," were substituted at almost the last moment for Farce and Williams, a comedy singing and talking team who cancelled their own engagement, it is declared by Manager Crull, because they were not assigned to a better place on the program. They had been billed to come on immediately following the opening exhibit of moving pictures and refused to play unless a change was made as they desired. Manager Crull stood pat and so did the team, with the result that another act had to be secured on short notice from Chicago. The remainder of the bill includes Foster and Meeker in a comedy spasm entitled "Who's Who," that is a real "riot" in the laughter-creating line; Newton and Hall presenting a pleasing singing act, "In Care of General Delivery," and Alice Clark is sufficiently entertaining in a repertoire of character songs. The house orchestra is now under the leadership of Harry Awe, an Oshkosh man, who succeeds Samuel Orton, who has gone to his home at Walla Walla, Wash."

- Daily Northwestern, September 24, 1912, page 6
