"Manager Gould of the Majestic Theater announces that the playhouse will be opened for the season tomorrow afternoon. He has the following to say regarding the bill:
   The Moneta Five, the headline attraction for the coming week, stands at the head of instrumental quintettes, and in the vocal line, especially the three women part of the quintette, the work is first-class. A sprinkling of comedy permeates the act also, and makes it one of the most desirable drawing cards in the realms of advanced vaudeville.
   [text omitted]
   The Moneta Five consists of three men and two women and they will present their lyric luxury entitled, 'An Evening at Home.' The members of the quintette play various musical instruments and each member of the company is an acknowledged expert in his or her line. Whether singing or playing singly, or in duets, trios, or altogether, the execution is well nigh perfect and has won them headline honors in all the big vaudeville theaters of the civilized world. The women are handsomely gowned and the quintette presents a strikingly attractive appearance. There is some excellent comedy interwoven in the offering which adds a spice that is highly acceptable. This act is considered by many as superior to the Six Musical Cuttys, because they play as well and sing much better than the Cuttys."

- Dallas Morning News, September 26, 1909, page 14


   "The Majestic played to a small house Friday night. This week's bill will be presented again, matinee and night, today and matinee Sunday. The bill will be changed Sunday night.
   Performances are given each night at 8:15; matinees at 2:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays.

The Peoples-Majestic Next Week.

   Commencing Sunday night at 8:15, Manager Boyle states that it affords delight to present one of the attractions "par excellence"-something pleasing, rare and interesting. Below is a notice from North Texas speaking in glowing terms of the constellation:
   No lover of vaudeville should miss the bill at the Majestic this week. The offering is one of unusual excellence and sets up a standard that will be hard for the management to maintain.
   The program embraces a series of acts any one of which would be a headliner if introduced in a separate show. The large house thoroughly enjoyed every feature of the bill. The applause was continuous and at times deafening. Every act was repeatedly encored, and some of the players were forced to pry themselves away from the uproarious house.
   Notwithstanding that every number is an exceptionally strong one, the class of the bill lies in the Moneta Five, a quintet of cultured and graceful entertainers, who were encored to a standstill. Every member of the group is a finished musician and a specialist in some line. The pianist, while having a retired part, is an artist of great merit. The song, "My Girl Irene," made a ringing hit. The audience could not get enough of it. The recitation, "The Bogey Man," was a scream, and rendered in a most delightfully entertaining manner. The vocal effort, "Darling, I Am Growing Old," was wonderfully sweet. The musical contributions and vocal numbers in this act are of the highest class, and worth going to hear a number of times.
   The great Baudoin Company, expert wire walkers and jugglers, open the show and have the only act on the bill in which singing is not the principal feature.
   Bob Albright was a great surprise. He has a wonderfully attractive voice in both upper and lower registers. His baritone selections made a great hit, and when he gave an imitation of Melba the applause welled almost to a riot.
   Pearl Allen, a dandy little singer with a wonderfully winning way, accompanied by two youngsters with remarkable proclivities for dancing, scored heavily.
   Blount Brothers, Texas boys both of them, gave a give and take style of humorous entertainment, in which jokes, gags and funnygrams follow each other in such rapid succession that the audience is only capable of catching about 60 per cent of the good ones.
   Fanetta Monroe made a decided hit with her piano soliloquy.
   A great, big, old, funny boy is that man Lewis of Lewis and Chapman. He is a scream from his initial appearance to his final bow.
   Moving pictures opened and closed the performance."

- Galveston Daily News, October 9, 1909, page 10

   "A member of the Moneta Five delightfully pleases the audience by the signing of her "boogie man" song. She is particularly adapted to rendering this song on account of her soft feminine voice."

- Galveston Daily News, October 13, 1909, page 5

Moneta Five Best Vaudeville Bet; Al Wilson's Show Pleases

Majestic's Headliner Best Musical Act Seen Here This Season.
Foy and Clark Head Princess Bill--Good Acts at the Imperial

   "It is seldom Fort Worth theatergoers have an opportunity to hear a musical number as pleasing as that presented at the Majestic this week by the Moneta Five. The five constitute a handsome and talented family, who sing and play many musical instruments just as they would do at home: in fact the name of the sketch is "An Evening at Home." From the very pretty girl who, as the Sunday Sandwich would say "presides at the piano," to the mothery looking woman who sings, all of the five have talent of an extraordinary kind."

- Fort Worth Star-Telegram, November 8, 1910, page 12

   "The headline attraction this week, however, is the pretentious musical number of Moneta Five, without a doubt the most versatile quintette in vaudeville. Music is their long suit, and the three women in this act possess excellent voices and give high class selections as well as comedy numbers in a most pleasing manner."

- Fort Worth Star-Telegram, November 9, 1910, page 14

   "Those who appreciate good music and beautiful singing will thoroughly enjoy the act of the Moneta Five, the headline attraction at the Majestic this week. In a skit called "An Evening at Home," this versatile quintette display ability along musical lines such as one seldom has an opportunity of witnessing in vaudeville. The three women in the act are particularly gifted. One gives an almost perfect impersonation of a child, and she sinks a cute little song which creates much applause and favorable comment."

- Fort Worth Star-Telegram, November 10, 1910, page 3

   "Regarding the attractions secured for the Majestic Theater this week, Manager Gould says:
   'Patrons of this playhouse will be delighted with the offering, for it is doubtless the most pretentious presented so far this season. Headed by the Moneta Five, in a high class musical offering, and containing plenty of comedy and novelty, every patron will find enough to amuse and entertain in the eight features which constitute the bill. The headliner is that peerless quintette, the Moneta Five, and their skit is called, 'An Evening at Home." The main feature of the act is music, and singing is a close second. It is meritorious in the extreme.
   [text omitted]
   Probably no aggregation of artists representing one family can be found who are as versatile as this talented quintette, the Moneta Five. The act consists of two men and three women, gorgeously attired, and presenting a skit which they call 'An Evening at Home.' The act is well staged, every detail being looked after so that the keenest observer will be pleased with the picture. But chief of all the factors is the excellent music which is rendered by the Monetas and the superb vocal propensities of the ladies. Every member is highly gifted, so that even a little comedy is presented in the offering by the youngest member of the troup."

- Dallas Morning News, November 13, 1910, page 14

   "The Moneta Five are presenting one of the best musical acts at the Majestic Theater this week that has been seen in Dallas recently. They perform cleverly on various musical instruments and then give examples of their high skill in vocal music. The contralto and heavy alto of one of the women is especially good. Their singing of such songs as "Silver Threads Among the Gold," "By the Light of the Silvery Moon," "Tell Me Who Do You Love," etc., is especially appealing and the applause shows the real taste for vocal music among Dallas vaudeville patrons. No artist in a rendition of "The Grizzly Bear" could win such satisfactory applause. A juvenile impersonator among the five is also very clever."

- Dallas Morning News, November 15, 1910, page 6
