"The Moneta five that were to open at the Bijou Theater last night failed to make an appearance. Owing to the heavy snow storms in western Montana, which has made all trains on the N. P. R.R. out of Boseman, Mont., way late in their schedule, it was impossible for them to make their train connections and reach Aberdeen in time for last evening's performance.
   This is the first time that Manager Gates has been disappointed in his vaudeville and being unable to reach the public through the press to advise them of his disappointment he reduced the admission price to five and ten cents and pleased his patrons with an exceptionally strong program of motion pictures and illustrated songs."

- Aberdeen Daily American, January 12, 1909, page 8

   "The Moneta five that should have opened at the Bijou theater last evening phoned Manager Gates from Jamestown, N. D., advising that they would arrive in Aberdeen over the C. & N. W. railroad at 4:45 today."

- Aberdeen Daily News, January 12, 1909, page 6

   "Patrons of the Bijou were treated to a rattling good program last night, the best feature, being the much expected Moneta Five. They are clever and have a program which is varied and enjoyable. Best of all, they are good musicians. So favorably were they received that Manager Gates promptly decided to keep them here for the week."

- Aberdeen Daily American, January 13, 1909, page 8


   "The S. R. O. sign made an early appearance last evening at the Bijou theater and hundreds were turned away.
   The Moneta Five will introduce new songs and musical instruments at the performances tonight, making a complete change in their act.
   Seats can be reserved by phoning 1003 between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Come early and avoid the rush."

- Aberdeen Daily American, January 14, 1909, page 8


   "The ladies of the Moneta Five, now appearing at the Bijou, are cousins of Martin Brearton of this city. Mrs. Cummings, the mother of the two young ladies, Misses Irma and Waiva Cummings, is a first cousin, and her daughters are second cousins of Mr. Brearton. The gift of song seems to be in the family and Aberdeen people remember the singing of Miss Nettie Brearton, who was well known in musical circles here before she moved to Minnesota, after her marriage to S. M. Clefton.
   Mrs. Cummings and her daughters are possessed of exceptional ability as entertainers and judging from the reception they receive each day they are certainly pleasing Aberdeen people, and in fact it is doubtful if their equal has been heard here."

- Aberdeen Daily News, January 15, 1909, page 4


   "The Moneta Five, who have been drawing a capacity business at the Bijou theater this week, will close their engagement at that popular playhouse tonight. This is the best up-to-the-moment musical act that has played Aberdeen and anyone that has not seen it will miss a treat if they do not attend one of the three performances tonight, or the matinee today at two-thirty.
   The big demand for seats makes it necessary for the management to put on three shows tonight, the first at seven o'clock sharp, the second at 8:15 and the third at 9:30. Standing room only prevailed last night and we would suggest that you make it a point to attend the first performance and avoid the crowded conditions at the second and third shows.
   The motion pictures changed Friday night and none of the subjects have ever been shown here before."

- Aberdeen Daily American, January 16, 1909, page 8
