"For those who love and appreciate music, vocal and instrumental, the entertainment offered by the Moneta Five at the Orpheum Theatre this week is worth much more than the price of the whole show. The five comprise three women, a soprano with a wonderfully clear, sweet flute-like voice; a mezzo-soprano of fine quality and a contralto of unusual volume, range and polish, and two men, a tenor and baritone, the five making up a quintette whose superiors as musical entertainers have never appeared on the Orpheum stage.
   Their vocal repertoire comprises classical selections from the best operas, sentimental ballads of a past generation but still favorites and popular songs of the day.
   The members of the troupe are also virtuosos on a variety of stringed and wind instruments, brass and wood. Their appearance and manner are as refined and engaging as their music is charming. The audiences yesterday afternoon and last night evidenced their appreciation by most enthusiastic applause.
   The rest of the bill is up to the Orpheum's high average.

- The Patriot, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, October 28, 1913, page 4


   With a classy arrangement of good music, some old and some new, some of the numbers sung and some of them played, and just enough life and surprise injections to brand it a novelty, the Moneta Five are scoring a solid hit as the undivided headliner of the Orpheum's current bill. The troup comprises three women and two men and unlike many of the classy musical attractions, they don the modern dress and the gowns worn by the women are so decidedly a la Parisian that they're going to create a good deal of comment among the ladies who happen to gaze upon them. Their closing song, "When It's Apple Blossom Time in Normandy," offered in the half light of the stage by the quintette in exquisite voice, is a treat that will linger long in the memories of Orpheum goers. Van Hoven, the mad magician, and Herbert Willimans and Hilda Wolfus take care of the big part of the comedy end in splendid fashion; Wilmer and Vincent's production, "The Double Cross" is a splendid dramatic hit; The Four Delassios stir the emotions with their daring aerial feats, and there are several other features of almost equal merit and importance.

- The Patriot, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, October 29, 1913, page 5
