"The Moneta Five have beautiful voices and their ensemble work is charming. Mr. Wilbur, of the quintette, is certainly master of the banjo."

- Grand Forks Daily Herald, September 29, 1908, page 4

   "One of the most delightful events of the season was the entertainment arranged by Manager Rowan, of the Leland hotel at Minot, in the café for the traveling men and their friends last Saturday night. Being aware that many of the travelers had not had the opportunity to come into Minot during the week, Mr. Rowan secured the talented Moneta Five to render a program in the cafe after their performance at the Arcade."

- Grand Forks Daily Herald, October 18, 1908, page 12

   "Feature performances in vaudeville at the Gem theatre reached a climax for the first of this week's program with the appearance of the unexcelled musical bit presented by the Moneta Five in their latest lyric luxury entitled "An Evening at Home.
   This great musical act consists of solos, duets, trios and quartettes, introducing violin, flute, piano, mandolin, banjo, harp guitar and saxophone.
   So popular has this act been with the public that this playhouse has been favored with capacity houses every evening of this week's bill. The act is well staged, cleverly performed and captivating to the audience. The Moneta Five make their last appearance in this city tonight and patrons of that popular play house who fail to see them will be missing a rare entertainment."

- Bismarck Daily Tribune, December 8, 1908, page 5
