Many Splendid Features Extend Performance Past the Usual Hour.

   "Yesterday marked the thirtieth anniversary of B. F. Keith's debut an amusement manager in the city of Boston.
   In celebration of the event there was presented at B. F. Keith's Theater at the afternoon and evening performances one of the most attractive programs which the patrons of the house have been privileged to witness. So many good things fill the bill that the performance is extended long after the usual time for the final fall of the curtain.
   Among the headliners are Servals LeRoy, Mlle. Talma and Herr Bosco, European magicians, who made their first American appearance, presenting a baffling series of startling and daring illusions, many of which are entirely new.
   Florence Roberts, a brilliant star from the legitimate stage is seen in a powerful one-act play, "The Woman Intervenes," assisted by Charles Wyngate and a capable company. In this sketch Miss Roberts has an excellent opportunity to display her skill as an actress.
   The Monetta Five, an unusually gifted musical team, present a mélange of vocal and instrumental numbers which scored a pronounced hit.
   Lydia Barry, a daughter of Billy Barry, and for many years a popular favorite with the Boston theater-going public, has lost none of her ability to charm. In her latest cycle of song studies with which she regales her audience are included several catchy numbers among them being "The Best Man," "Mrs. Cupid," "Who Let Father Out," "Toodle Dum," and "The Same Old Hat."
   Hassan Ben Ali's Arabs, a group of ten swarthy sons of the desert, are seen in a remarkable series of acrobatic feats and pyramid building.
   Joe Cook, in his burlesque, "One Man Vaudeville Show," furnishes merriment galore in one of the most novel and eccentric offerings seen here in many a day.
   Charles B. Middleton and Leora Spellmeyer, in an "Ocean Wooing," have a strong feature in their bright and breezy comedy. The scene of the skit is laid on an ocean liner.
   "Pickings From Song and Dance Land," affords Percy Bronson and Winnie Baldwin an opportunity to display their talents as clever entertainers.
   Prevost and Brown, "The Corkscrew Kids," provide a few minutes of foolishness, and Laura Buckley, the protean actress in her original studies from life, offers some quick character changes and displays her art as an impersonator of various types and personages. One of her best is the "Manicure Girl."
   Others on the bill are the two polka dots, Kennedy and Kramer, and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Darrow, famous smoke picture artists and shadowgraphists. The latest pictures of national news events are shown in the Pathe weekly."

- Boston Journal, December 2, 1913, page 4

   "The Moneta Five, presenting "Harmony at Home," will be the headline attraction at the B. F. Keith theatre, next week. They come here very generally lauded for their attractive act and for the splendid music which is brought into it. Three women and two men appear and literally show what occurs at home, on an evening, when every member of the family knows how to play some instrument or sing some song. Naturally enough the arrangement of selections has been most carefully made, and the result is an act of sweetness and attractiveness. The Moneta Five are at the Keith theatre in Portland, this week, where they are listed as the feature attraction."

- Lowell Sun, January 31, 1914, page 4
