"The last half of the week's bill at the Bijou is as clean and satisfying as is ever seen in Decatur. Without doubt "The Moneta Five" had the classiest act on the bill. Time after time they were called back and were compelled to sing a number of encores before the audience was satisfied. All of the voices were excellent and the accompaniment was beautiful."

- Decatur Review, February 25, 1910, page 4

   "For Thursday afternoon and the closing three days of the week, the Moneta Five will again be seen and heard. It was voted pleasing and popular at its former appearance. Less than two months ago this act was seen and although crowded houses greeted the players, hundreds who failed to see the act asked Manager Sigfried to bring them back. Miss Wava Cummings, a former Decatur girl, is in the act and made for herself a lasting reputation as a pleasing vocalist. The other members of the act are not only splendid vocalists, but display their versatility on various instruments, in solos, duets, quartets and quintets. The act has special scenery and makes a magnificent spectacular musical number once seen, never forgotten."

- Decatur Review, April 3, 1910, page 14


Moneta Family in Exquisite Bit of Musical Sketch--Haley and Lee in Pleasing Character Songs.

   "That the Moneta Five, a family of musicians, three women and two men are the best bet on the Orpheum bill this week was the opinion of the "first nighters." This act is tastily arranged and the solos by Miss Moneta were encored at all three performances yesterday. A large number of instruments ranging from a piano to a bass guitar were played by the male members of the act. The Messrs. Moneta gave an exceptionally clever medley from William Tell and Il Trovotore on the banjos which brought them much applause."

- Rockford Republic, October 4, 1910, page 6
