"The Moneta Five, composed of three talented ladies and two equally talented gentlemen, have been engaged with a view to giving Majestic patrons the very best there is to be had in the way of vocal and instrumental music, of such a nature that it will be appreciated by those of every taste. The Moneta Five introduce their specialties in a scene, for which they carry their own special scenery, called "An Evening at Home." The most reliable critics give them unstinted praise."

- Colorado Springs Gazette, July 5, 1909, page 6

   "The Moneta Five present an entertainment that is just as full as it can be of refined and pleasing vocal and instrumental novelties, and they impress their audiences with their charming grace and finished rendition of everything they undertake. This is certainly an act for lovers of refined vaudeville to appreciate."

- Colorado Springs Gazette, July 7, 1909, page 2

   "Patrons of the always popular Majestic may prepare themselves for a big, jolly comedy week. In fact, Sullivan and Considine have secured a feast of novelty, laughter and song. Colorado Springs audiences enjoy comedy when it is of the right sort, and what is more, local theatergoers are quick to recognize the genuine article and know that the Majestic is the one place to get it. Last week was pretty close to a record-breaker, and the great bill Manager Tammen has secured for the coming week, opens Labor day matinee.
   Regular Majestic prices-10, 20 and 30 cents-will prevail at both afternoon and evening performances on Labor day, and it is as sure as daylight that the capacity of the house will be taxed to the limit at every performance. The Majestic bill always includes a new set of first-run films, showing the latest motion pictures of the day, and a concert orchestra program that cannot be beaten anywhere in the country, besides an array of the best talent in vaudeville. The list of this week's star attractions includes the following:
   The Moneta Five Musical acts are always soothing, but when they have added to them a few grains of classic, they are delightful. The Moneta Five, who are on the Majestic program this week, offer an exquisite lyric luxury, entitled "An Evening at Home." They are skilled instrumentalists, while their singing carries the real lovers of music away with enthusiasm."

- Colorado Springs Gazette, September 4, 1910, page 18

   "The closing act, "An Evening at Home," presented by the Moneta Five, is the finest thing in a musical line in months. There are three women and two men in the company, each a skilled artist, and their vocal and instrumental selections-the latter including renditions on fully a dozen different instruments, are simply great. Every number wins a thunder of applause, and the average audience could sit and listen to them all night. No music lover should miss this act."

- Colorado Springs Gazette, September 6, 1910

   "The closing act on the unusually fine offering of the Majestic this week, that of the Moneta Five, is described as a lyric luxury, but the term doesn't half describe it. This company, consisting of two men and three women-one a miss still in her teens, is as talented an aggregation of musicians as was ever heard in this city, and from start to finish the 20 minutes of song and instrumental music they render is delightful in the highest degree. Every number is enthusiastically applauded and their audiences long for more.
   Besides having fine voices which show to fine effect in both solo and ensemble work, the members of the troupe are skilled instrumentalists, playing on more than half a dozen instruments, one of the features being the piano accompaniment of a banjo duet which is also accompanied by the orchestra. This act alone will repay anyone for a visit to the Majestic this week, but it is only one of several stellar attractions including the condensed drama, "The Reveille", the musical comedy skit, "Married," and the impersonations of Mildred Stoller, not to mention the concert orchestra program and Majestiscope motion pictures.
   All for 10, 20 and 30 cents. Performances at 3, 7:30 and 9:10 p.m. "

- Colorado Springs Gazette, September 7, 1910, page 6
