"A riot of fun" adequately describes the quality of the laughable military satire, "The Battle of Bunco Hill," which will be presented by Joe F. Willard and Harry Bond and their untamed cavalry steed, "Devilskin," at the Bell Theater in the new show beginning with matinee this afternoon.
   Phasma, "The Goddess of Light," offers to vaudeville an array of gorgeousness, beauty and marvelous splendor in the presentation of a series of dances.
   Another rare treat in the musical line is promised in the very artistic and entertaining act of the Moneta Five. These acts are always pleasurably anticipated, and this exceptionally gifted family, each and every one an artist, offer an exquisite lyric luxury entitled "An Evening at Home". They are skilled instrumentalists, while their singing carries the real lover of music away with enthusiasm. Operatic excerpts make up another musical number, the contributors being Metz and Metz, and in their vocal comedietta they have arranged an attractive and fetching program.
   In Neil McKinley, vaudeville can justly claim the cleverest and most delighting of singing comedians. His extraordinary ability to interest audiences by the strength and persuasiveness of his voice is the real foundation of his success.
   Helen Stuart is a refreshing and entertaining artist. Her work is distinctly for daintiness, refinement and charm and her happy sense of humor is most enjoyable.
   New motion pictures on the Bellscope of a character to please, instruct and entertain will be shown."

- Oakland Tribune, July 17, 1910, page 10

Vaudeville Fun Reigns Supreme On Clever Bill at Bell Theater

The funniest military act in vaudeville, Joe F. Willard and Harry Bond in the "Battle of Bunco Hill," at the Bell.

   "Fun in capital letters, fun pressed down and running over combined with a number of entertaining musical acts, and diverting vaudeville novelties make up the splendid offering at the Bell Theater this week. Two comedians of note furnish the laughable headliner, "The Battle of Bunco Hill" and it lives up in superb measure to the enviable position it has held as the big comedy act of the year. Joe F. Willard and Harry Bond and the fiery untamed mustang with distended nostrils, old "Devilskin," certainly are a great trio and a clever travesty on military life is exceptionally drawn. "Devilskin" is supposed to be an old war horse, who when he scents the odor of gun powder, becomes unmanageable and tries to dislodge the German war correspondent Schlitz, who is detailed to carry a message for reinforcements. The antics of the animal and the efforts of the German are excruciatingly funny.
   All music lovers find a rare treat in Metz and Metz in their vocal comedietta, "A Midnight Rehearsal." The offering is largely made up of operatic excerpts, and proves a very satisfactory number. These two are foreigners with a continental training and their original oddity is arranged in a most fetching form. Another musical act, intermingled in which is some of the classic is contributed by the Moneta family of five. It is as exquisite and as dainty as can be and its title, "An Evening at Home" suggests just what the act is, a family circle, every one of which is a gifted instrumentalist, where all participate in making the home circle a happy and pleasant gathering. Spectacular and gorgeous is Phasma in a really marvelous presentation of various, terpsichorean creations. With light effects and all very shimmering costumes this fair dancer has in her act evidently reached the limit in vaudeville for acts of this nature.
   Neil McKinley is winning the Bell audiences with his syncopated melodies and Helen Stuart, as gifted a little comedienne as ever stepped before the lights, is an artist to her finger tips. Great motion pictures complete the bill."

- Oakland Tribune, July 18, 1910, page 5

Much Better Than a Road Show

Moneta Five, one of the many big features at the Bell Theater this week.

   "No better vaudeville show has ever been presented in Oakland than the one that filled the Bell Theater yesterday with three record-breaking houses. Every act a feature and every number roundly and enthusiastically encored. The show was delayed all along for the insistent demands for recalls kept every performer acknowledging repeated curtain calls. Merit wins out every time and the people certainly are appreciating this week's bill far better than the average road show, which is so usually overrated. Manager Gus Cohn enthusiastically says: "It's the best bill that ever played the Bell Theater." The Sunday crowds attest in the strongest language possible that it's a great bill and when the public put their seal of approval on a show, you can't go far [one word missing]. Don't miss it this week."

- Oakland Tribune, July 18, 1910, page 7

Stellar Bill at the Bell Pleases Capacity Audiences

METZ & METZ at the Bell Theater.

   "They are seriously considering opening two box offices up at the Bell Theater this week to handle the crowds. The reason is the particularly strong bill which is sufficient apology for any possible shortcomings in the past. Metz & Metz, character vocalists, have a strong and artistic number. Their selection of songs shows fine judgment and their reception by the audience shows a high standard of intelligence. Helen Stuart is a real soubrette in the proper meaning of that term. She can and does act. There is class to Neil McKinley. That the day of the dirtily dressed single turn has passed is proved by the tremendous ovation accorded this Beau Brummel of immaculate singers. More music, also of a superior grade, is offered and greedily devoured, while the Moneta Five delight. The young woman who imitates a child singing can have cookies and candy from every mother in Oakland. The paid admissions laugh all the way home and enjoy pleasant dreams till alarm-clock time over Willard & Bond in the "Battle of Bunco Hill." It is a well-staged travesty on war maneuvers, and the success of the act is enhanced by the very splendid scenic settings employed. Spectacular and gorgeous is Phasma in a really marvelous presentation of various terpsichorean creations. With light effects and silvery shimmering costumes this dancer has evidently reached the limit in vaudeville for acts of this nature. Good motion pictures complete the bill."

- Oakland Tribune, July 21, 1910, page 4


MONETA FIVE, one of the start numbers in the big show at the Bell Theater.

   "If you don't think that every solitary one who attends the Bell Theater this week is getting more than their money's worth, just take a peep at the big crowds as they leave the theater from the three shows daily.
   One would think that Manager Gus Cohn had presented each one with a check for $100 as they come out of the door, for their faces are wreathed in smiles and satisfaction is apparent everywhere. As a matter of fact it's the great show that causes this general smile, and Manager Cohn says the program this week couldn't be improved upon from an all-round generally satisfying point. The bill begins with a roar of laughs and ends in as pleasing a musical number as ever was grouped behind the footlights, a real meritorious act that has the stamp of class and character.
   All the way through the ninety minutes of sharp, crispy vaudeville novelties there is something that everybody enjoys and that the Bell is doing one of the biggest week's business in its history is proof enough that the show is right and the public are enjoying it."

- Oakland Tribune, July 22, 1910, page 10
